Goal To Start Small Business

an opportunity to run a business under the wing of a proven support system
Keenan, Canmore

Student Works has been one of the greatest, most challenging experiences of my life thus far. I ran a business in Canmore & Banff, AB the past 3 summers and have signed back for a third year. I was introduced to Student Works by a friend and quickly realized that it was one of the better decisions I’ve made thus far. At first it seems daunting and confusing as to how someone can run a business at this age, and honestly I had only a small idea of what I was getting myself into. At the time of signing it seemed like a huge risk to take in my position. But risks allow us to grow and learn which is the reason I enrolled in University in the first place. Running a franchise has taught me real life people skills, boosted my confidence and instilled perseverance in my life. I’ve learned how to manage people, deal with clients professionally, conduct a thorough interview, budget effectively for a small business and deal with problems effectively. These skills I’ve gained will benefit me in all areas of my life and future career.

I am soon to graduate from Thomson Rivers University with a double major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. My future goals are to start and grow sustainable small businesses that benefit the local economy and neighbourhoods of the city they reside in. I believe my experience with Student Works has given me the knowledge and experience to reach this goal. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, finding CO-OP work is very difficult. Look at Student Works painting as just that, an opportunity to run a business under the wing of a proven support system. Student Work’s support system consists of your District Manager, Vice-President, Owner, Veteran Franchisees, and all the other franchisees in your same position. Everyone wants you to succeed and you’re always a phone call away from assistance.

Starting a business means taking risks, fronting start-up costs, and heavy workloads. Your start-up costs are extremely low compared to any other company. You also have access to an incredible network of people surrounding you to reach out to for help. But don’t expect it to be easy. This will be the biggest challenge of your life. You will need to work very hard if you want to succeed and surpass your goals. Prepare yourself properly and push yourself past your comfort zone and you will have no problem making positive progress. Besides learning, growing and making profit, you will also meet some of the most amazing people along the way. I have made some of my closest friends in Student Works and have had some of the best times with them. There’s something about the community atmosphere that brings everyone closer, like a big team. I would recommend operating for Student Works Painting to anyone who wants to take on an entrepreneurial challenge and enjoys being in control of their income. It will be without a doubt the best decision of your University life.